For The Love Of
Hunters and Fishermen
According to the data on the “Just Plain Killers” website for Orangeburg County, males between the ages of 25 and 54 account for the majority of drug and opioid overdose deaths and Naloxone administrations. This is also a prime age group for hunting and fishing with an average age of 40. As Orangeburg County is well known for its hunting and fishing, messages focus on preserving the environment by not flushing medications and contaminating the water tables that feed the Edisto River and Lake Murray and subsequently the wildlife inhabitants. According to the Department of Natural Resources, there are 6,772 hunting licenses, 11 public boat ramps and 19 public accesses to the lake in Orangeburg County. The county was number one in the state for deer culling in 2020 and reflects the largest number of resident hunters in the state.